We have found 6 schools in Comparative Law (LLM, MCL, JSD/SJD):

Address: 107 South Indiana Ave., Bloomington, 47405-7000, IN
Phone: 812-855-4848
Address: 601 E John Street, Champaign, 61820-5711, IL
Phone: 217-333-1000
Address: 101 Jessup Hall, Iowa City, 52242-1316, IA
Phone: 319-335-3500
Address: 1 College Hall 34th and Spruce Sts, Philadelphia, 19104-6303, PA
Phone: 215-898-5000
Address: 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, 92110-2492, CA
Phone: 619-260-4600
Address: University Park, Los Angeles, 90089, CA
Phone: 213-740-2311
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